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Pharell Williams: I’m a huge NLP person
Viele herausragende Persönlichkeiten sind Synästhesisten

Pharell Williams, begnadeter Musiker und Modedesigner
"I'd be lost," Grammy Award-winning producer, performer and entrepreneur Mr. Williams says on the phone from London. I'm interviewing him for a chapter in my book, Tasting the Universe, where this interview first appeared. "It's my only reference for understanding. I don't think I would have what some people would call talent and what I would call a gift. The ability to see and feel (this way) was a gift given to me that I did not have to have. And if it was taken from me suddenly I'm not sure that I could make music. I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. I wouldn't have a measure to understand."
[Synästhesie, was ist das?]
Mr. Williams, 34, who spent time as a child in a Virginia Beach housing project and grew to be named "The Best Dressed Man in the World," by Esquire magazine in 2005, can't remember a time he didn't associate music with colors he sees in his mind's eye. "Oh my God, it's always been this way. But I thought all kids had mental, visual references for what they were hearing."
Music and Mr. Williams clearly have an extraordinary relationship - something beneficiaries of his infectious tracks from Madonna to Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Snoop Dog would all attest to.

Synästhesie: Töne werden Farben, Gerüche, Gefühle
"I'm a huge NLP, Neuro-Linguistics Programming person; I love NLP.
Mr. Williams says that kids like him think "27 frames per second" and he believes there's nothing wrong with them, they just have the ability to retain more information. "It's only a bad thing when you can't focus and get things done. Most of the people who multi-task a lot, they have ADD, it's just been properly channeled."
He thinks children's strengths should be played to in education. "I'm a huge NLP, Neuro-Linguistics Programming person; I love NLP. And they tell you that somewhere halfway between a child's hobby, what he does, and his interest, what he'll listen to, somewhere in between there is where that kid is going to be in life and he's going to be good at it...
"I believe there are four corners to success, and the middle is the sweet spot, which is the child's destiny. To the left is the hobby, to the right is the interest, to the front is the teacher and to the back are the parents. In the middle of those four points is the child's destiny."
Link zum Originalartikel auf 'Psychology Today'
Wahrnehmung | Synästhesien | Sinnessysteme | Kunst | Konstruktivismus | GesellschaftMaureen Seaberg

co-author of 'Struck By Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me a Mathematical Marvel', the story of Jason Padgett, who acquired synesthesia and savant syndrome due to a brain injury sustained in a brutal mugging twelve years ago in Tacoma, Washington
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