Apply for NLP World Community Award - US$ 20’000.—
Leslie Lebeau (Cameron-Bandler) is sponsoring The NLP World Community Awards. These awards will honor people who have used NLP to make significant contributions to Peace, the Environment, and Education during the past decade (from 1994 to the present). Recipients will share in a monetary award of $20,000, receive the NLP World Community Award, and a plaque honoring their contribution. Awards will be presented and the recipients honored at a celebration dinner. During the year following, efforts will be made to bring visibility to the work of each recipient within and beyond the field of NLP.
These Awards are a one-time occurrence. To be sure that everyone in the NLP community has an opportunity to make a submission, we need your help in getting the word out. You can help us by:
Announcing the Award in your trainings.
Publicizing the Award in your newsletter.
Linking your website to the NLP World Community Award website.
Forwarding this email to your colleagues.
Contacting colleagues and participants from the past.
Nominating those individuals who you think might merit the Award.